Czon : the Short background
Czon is a pseudonym for a Swedish artist and photographer who has been exhibiting his work since 2010.
Czon's name has become a trademark for fans of artphotography who appreciate beautiful, sublime and evocative works. His art is sure to leave a lasting impression.
He primarily works with images and rugged tales of heroines and dark themes in fine art.
His work has been displayed and juried at many museums over the years and has often appeared in galleries, exhibitions, and pop-up art shows. Been artist in residence twice in Germany (Warnemunde/Berlin)
In addition to traditional venues, Czon is known for his guerrilla art in mixed media, including statues and street art that sometimes fall "in the grey zone" of illegal art.
One notable piece was "Ätrajungfrun" in Falkenberg, a 2000 kg illegal statue of a forgotten heroine.
The city allowed the statue to remain, but it was later stolen and suddanly reappeared in Pokemon Go.
His illegal art exhibit at the Sanatorium Sierra Espuna in Murcia was raided and shut down by the Guardia Civil. Undeterred, Czon returned a week later with an even bigger exhibit at the Preventoria Agua de Busot outside Alicante, which local and Spanish media described as a genius act. Thx Spain!
For several years, Czon has traveled around Sweden and Europe with a camera and pen to document haunted locations, legends, folklore, fairytales, trolls, witches, and other beautiful and seductive beings. Lilith's dark demonic daughters have been constant companions in his journey.
The world is a sadder place without all manner of rugged beings, demons, fairies, trolls, and others who are becoming almost extinct.
Czon & Underground will continue to spread the word on "oknytt" so they do not disappear completely.
Continue reading about Czon ?
Backgrounds, his art, the art collective "Underground will take over"
& the new studio Underground / gallery Satmaran ?
Here below are some links to more info & some boring background text

Czon, Swedish artist, Konstnär, Halland, Sverige, Sweden, Facts, vem är Czon, myter, legender, Banksy, skogsrå, fotograf, väsen, oknytt, demoner, naken, nakenmodell, sökmotor