Underground will take overEstablished 2010
Art collective with anonymous members and a lot of stringers.
The OG base of this Underground movement and collective are Czon, Persephone, Sandy, Crusty & Sidekick Jessica.
We have for some years been around Sweden and Europe with a camera and pen to document legends, folklore, fairy tales, trolls and all other of the beautiful seductive nude beings we encounters. Lilith's dark demonic daughters have been constant companions.
The world is a sadder place without all manner of rugged beings, demons, forest green fairys, spring green elves, trolls and others who become almost extinct.
Many believe that it was Christianity who managed to stop the belief in oknytt, it is not! It was the general schooling which recast ourselves in the same shape, the shape to not believe..
Czon & Underground will continue to spread the word on oknytt so they do not disappear completely.
Studio Underground.
This is a free artistic Mansion / farmhouse where Czon and all of his entourage of friends, fiends, lovers and haters are creating together. U are Welcome 2.
Located between Falkenberg, Varberg, Ullared on the swedish westcoast.
Always a refugee for creators, artist from all over the world to seek peace short periods and a place to create & planning new geurilla art heists.
Will be Open doors during april-sept or at least when the art collective Underground will take over are here.
Need an artistic escape, contact us and we´ll see if we have rooms to spare for you. Drop a mail on our contact page!
Czon is a pseudonym for an Swedish well knowned artist and photographer. Working with images of heroines, rugged tales and dark demeanors.
Been exhibited at museums, galleries, magazines and much more.

Want to visit and help out ?
The underground mansion was an abandoned farm and are mentioned from legal papers since at least 1605.
(Sweden was danish during this time soo impossible to find older facts about the Underground studio)
There are three big barns and right now we hace started to build the new Underground studio / gallery in one of thoose.
We are always looking for help to